Ebaler tablet is a non-sedating second generation anti-histaminic drug having advantages over Cetrizine and Loratidine in terms of reduced time to achieve maximal efficacy in patients with more sever allergic symptoms.
Ebastine Hydrochloride 20mg
(Ebastine Hydrochloride 10 mg & 20 mg) (WHO GMP Certified Product)
Frightening Seasonal ALLERGIES?
• Ebastine have advantages over cetirizine 10 mg in terms of a reduced time to achieve maximal efficacy and a superior level of efficacy in patients with more severe symptoms.
Ann Allergy asthma immunol. 1996 Jun; 76(6):507-12.
• Ebastine 10 or 20mg (79 to 85%) is more effective than loratadine 10mg
(65 to 66%) for the treatment of PAR (Perennial allergic rhinitis).
Clin Drug Investig. 1998;16(6):413-20.
• Ebastine Treatment increasing IF-gamma production which is indicator of clinical immunological improvement.
J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2009 Jan-Mar:23(1):31-6
IFN-gamma is typically deficient in allergic patients.
Indication for Symptomatic Treatment of
• Seasonal and Perennial Rhinitis or Conjuctivitis
• Chronic Urticaria
• Allergic Dermatitis
• Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)